Saturday, June 30, 2012


June seemed to drag on forever, for me at least.  And as July 2012 comes into the world in about 45 minutes, I can't help but wonder what the rest of the summer will bring for me.  I really hope that I win that Kindle Fire that my local library is giving away.  I have been reading non-stop which is good because it will help me get through those dry textbooks next year because I am beginning to read faster.  But sometimes it ins't enough.  I need to find something else to do this summer! And yes, I have a job.  I sell Lia Sophia jewelry.  I want to get more people to host parties, but most of them just ignore it or make up some lame excuse.  I guess I will have to try harder.  But the thing is, I want summer to end.  I want it to be September, because frankly is so freaking hot out that I don't even want to go outside half of the time.  I just want to be back in Platteville, doing my thing, being on my own with the exception of my kick-ass roommate next year, (and yes I am really excited about it).  I will be a senior.....a senior in college! Where the fuck did the time go! That is my biggest question.  I am starting to freak out a bit because of it.  To be honest, I don't want it to end. I love college so much more then high school....high school was a pain in the ass.  In college, I guess I found myself...I know it sounds supper corny, but its true.  I have made some of my best friends in college so far and I fear the day that I leave everything, the residence halls, the classrooms, and being able to to just walk down the hall or up the stairs in order to see my friends.  I will not graduate in May, so it will be easier, I guess.  I am just worried about going into the workforce and not being able to find a job.  Plus I haven't met the "one" yet...or maybe I have and I just haven't realized it yet...but it always seems to come down to that. As June 2012 comes to a close, I can't help but wonder what July and August will bring...hopefully rain because we need it desperately

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