Thursday, July 5, 2012

My Bucket List (Revised)

So I decided to update this list....Here it goes.....
1. Go to London, England
2. Go to Hamburg, Germany and see if there are still family history there
3. Graduate from College
4. Attend a concert
5. Attend a Paul McCartney concert
6. Travel around the US
7.  See our nation's capital
8.  Fall in love
9.  Get an intership for the summer
10.  Win over $2.00 on a lottery ticket
11. Buy a lottery ticket
12. Get straight A's in a semester of college
13.  Have 3 or 4 kids naming them Norah, Natalie, Nathan, and/or Noah
14.  Visit the rock and roll hall of fame
15.  Sing karaoke
16. Read over 5,000 books in my lifetime
17. Write a Novel
18. Become the CEO of a company
19. Go see Strawberry Fields in New York
20. Walk across Abbey Road
21.  Fly in an airplane
22. Swim with Dolphins
23. Learn how to ride a bike
24. Grow my hair out and donate it
25.  Get married
26.  Graduate from UW-Platteville
27.  Learn how to do the smokey eye thing
28.  Kiss in the snow
29.  Hold hands with someone in the falling snow
28. Meet someone from England
29. Become friends with people that are from another country
30.  Watch a meteor shower
31.  Have a real Christmas tree
32.  Learn how to make jewelry
33. Host a Lia Sophia party
34. Sell Lia Sophia jewelry
35.  See the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans
36.  Visit a tropical place
37. Go backpacking through Europe
38. Go to a Brewers game
39.  Go to a Wisconsin Men's basketball game
40.  Go to a Wisconsin Men's hockey game
41. Learn how to play piano
42. Learn how to play violin
43. Meet someone famous
44. Go on a date
45. Get a smart phone
46. Buy a house
47. Buy a car
48. Give a 20 minute presentation
49. Go to state for Forensics
50. Cut my hair like Alice Cullen's
51. Buy a welsh corgi
52. Learn how to play guitar
53. Ride on a train
54. Watch all of Alfred Hitchcock's films
55. Make a 4 course meal from scratch
56. Take a cooking class
57. Take a cake decorating class
58.  Sell my jewelry
59.  Attend a ball or gala
60.  Win a contest
61.  Dance with a guy
62.  Sew a quilt
63.  Go to a club without getting carded
64.  Get my master's degree
65.  Volunteer at a library
66.  Volunteer at an animal shelter
67.  Stay at the Plaza hotel
68.  Go to Liverpool, England
69.  Go to the San Deigo zoo
70.  Cook a homemade meal
71.  Have a small wedding with close family and friends
72.  Eat at a fancy restaurant
73.  Lose weight
74.  Learn how to knit/crochet 
75.  Hold hands with a boyfriend in Central Park
76.  Kiss in the moonlight
77.  Visit the Eiffel Tower
78.  Go Grocery shopping on my own
79.  Open my own business
80.  Walk the street of New York
81.  Make snow angels every time there is a fresh layer of snow
82.  Make a snow fort in the snow as an adult
83.  Have a One Tree Hill marathon with friends
84.  Go on a road trip
85.  Landscape a backyard patio
86.  Go one week without watching TV
87.  Have a coloring party with friends
88.  See a musical  
89.  See a show on Broadway
90.  Meet Sophia Bush

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