Thursday, January 24, 2013

2nd Semester. Senior Year.

Despite the title, I am not graduating this spring. That would basically be impossible so I have one year left and this semester.  Sometimes it feels like I am never going to be done with college.  I would love to be out in the workforce right now and have a real job that pays good, but that is also hard to find. At this point applying for internships is my biggest concern.  I have a few in mind and have applied for one already! Just waiting to here back makes me nervous because I need this to graduate and I need something for this summer.  I love to stay busy and I need to experience.  I shouldn't worry to much, but that is something I do I guess. This semester is going to be a challenge, but a good challenge.  I enjoy all my classes so far which is a good thing! Definitely a much better semester than last, but in some ways not so much.  Something is missing and that certain thing that is missing went away today, but it will be back next fall, so I was promised and that promise better be kept, cause I will miss it dearly, but life goes on.  I know I said often that Peyton Sawyer from One Tree Hill is right, people always leave....but...sometimes they come back and he is coming back.  Normally I wouldn't vent in a blog post, but this I just need to get off my chest and to stop thinking about it. i need to concentrate on other things, but there are ways to get a hold of said thing when needed.  One a lighter note, I need to stop buying music off of itunes....or else it will make me go broke.  Its just so easy to hit the buy button and have it charged to your debit/credit card. Another thing I decided was to eat healthier and it will help I already feel better because of it. Now I just need to stop drinking soda or limit it to once a week.  Or twice, not sure yet.  I have been really into 'Believe' by The Bravery. Such a good song! I can't stop listening to it! It gives me something to believe in (the lyrics to the chorus).  And this song does give me something to believe in and they are graduating from college, knowing that he is coming back and getting an internship for this summer.  Those are the things I need to focus on and hopefully it will be a successful semester/summer.

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