Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Summer Kind of Wonderful...

Well hello there....It's been too long or I have just been super duper busy! Well its summer again.  The time of year where you relax by the pool and get a tan, dive into you summer reading list or just chill.  But unfortunately, I do not live near a beach so that's not going to be happening.  I have had a crazy wild and stressful end to my senior year of college and one more left (is it over yet?) I am living in a new residence hall and taking a break.  No more student orgs for me! And I'm okay with that.  I have an awesome internship this summer and will be a great experience! I can't wait to start! My summer reading list is not long but I will finally have time to read for fun!  Summer time means one more thing...the return of True Blood! I can't wait until season 6 premieres and I get to see this sexy man!

For those of you who do not know who this you must live under a rock! 
But I should tell you anyway...Alexander Skarsgard....swoon.

I will also be working out this summer and getting in shape. I am doing this for myself and no one else. 
Using my exercise ball like a boss...
This is how I will look the first time I use it...

But this will be me after a few days....

Welll..... hopefully not I will just switch to the treadmill.

And maybe I will find love...
That's like Jenna Marbles saying she's gonna do jogging...I'm not gonna find love just like she's not gonna go jogging! 

Well that's all folks! Maybe I should also catch up on Pretty Little Liars this summer.......

oh and one more thing....

Don't forget to show your true colors....

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