Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The Thoughts Going Through My Head.

I haven't blogged in a while.  I have just have been so busy with school, meetings, etc.  Things are good I guess.  I figured I would just share some of the thoughts that are going through my head right now or lately:

1.  I love Pandora.  I can listen to so much music.....its awesome.
2. Valentine's Day was yesterday.  I have 2 word for that.  Ba Humbug.
3.  I look really pretty today!
4.  There are some really cute guys in my classes.
5.  I have skipped my Econ class 3 times already....not a good thing!
6. I really need to get my resume done!
7. I'm looking for an internship so I hope to get one near home.
8.  I got my ears pierced again, and they hurt a bit, but that's okay, it was totally worth it!
9.  I need to get over a certain boy. So if you have any suggestions let me know!
10.  Because he won't grow up and be a man and settle I have heard.
11. So I guess I will find someone else who wants to.
12.  I have a Business Law test tomorrow that I am worried about.
13.  It was really warm today...for February.
14. I am supper excited that I am going for the CC elect position on RHA! I really hope I get it!
15.  I am sure I will think of more later!

So there you have it.  Have a great rest of the day everyone!! :)

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