Hello there wonderful people! I have a confession to make....I am addicted to Pintrest. I go on it almost every day. My True blood board has basically exploded. The same with my clothing and humor board. I am really sorry to all of my followers for clogging up the home page....I know some are getting sick of looking at True Blood quotes or stuff about cat names (even though a lot of people re-pinned that one)! :) I have become addicted to the humor stuff and have been re-pinning it like crazy! I guess after a long day at work its relaxing coming home and viewing these and getting a good laugh. I even had the sudden urge to go on Pintrest the other day at work! I had to tell myself, "Melissa, this is not right, you shouldn't be doing this; plus your work computer is really crappy so its not going to even load". I have a huge load of crafts and DIY stuff I want to do...if I ever get to it! I'm not sure what I would have done before Pintrest, but I have an addiction with it and need help. I have not created a wedding board...but I have pinned wedding dresses and dresses that are supposed to be bridesmaid dresses. And then I started a board about tattoos title, "If I ever get one" Everyone is simple and cute, but not ready for the pain that comes with. We will see if I ever follow through on some of those.
The Queen Bee
Thursday, July 4, 2013
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Summer Kind of Wonderful...
Well hello there....It's been too long or I have just been super duper busy! Well its summer again. The time of year where you relax by the pool and get a tan, dive into you summer reading list or just chill. But unfortunately, I do not live near a beach so that's not going to be happening. I have had a crazy wild and stressful end to my senior year of college and one more left (is it over yet?) I am living in a new residence hall and taking a break. No more student orgs for me! And I'm okay with that. I have an awesome internship this summer and will be a great experience! I can't wait to start! My summer reading list is not long but I will finally have time to read for fun! Summer time means one more thing...the return of True Blood! I can't wait until season 6 premieres and I get to see this sexy man!

For those of you who do not know who this you must live under a rock!
But I should tell you anyway...Alexander Skarsgard....swoon.
I will also be working out this summer and getting in shape. I am doing this for myself and no one else.
Using my exercise ball like a boss...
This is how I will look the first time I use it...
But this will be me after a few days....
Welll..... hopefully not I will just switch to the treadmill.
And maybe I will find love...
That's like Jenna Marbles saying she's gonna do jogging...I'm not gonna find love just like she's not gonna go jogging!
Well that's all folks! Maybe I should also catch up on Pretty Little Liars this summer.......
oh and one more thing....
Don't forget to show your true colors....
Thursday, January 24, 2013
2nd Semester. Senior Year.
Despite the title, I am not graduating this spring. That would basically be impossible so I have one year left and this semester. Sometimes it feels like I am never going to be done with college. I would love to be out in the workforce right now and have a real job that pays good, but that is also hard to find. At this point applying for internships is my biggest concern. I have a few in mind and have applied for one already! Just waiting to here back makes me nervous because I need this to graduate and I need something for this summer. I love to stay busy and I need to experience. I shouldn't worry to much, but that is something I do I guess. This semester is going to be a challenge, but a good challenge. I enjoy all my classes so far which is a good thing! Definitely a much better semester than last, but in some ways not so much. Something is missing and that certain thing that is missing went away today, but it will be back next fall, so I was promised and that promise better be kept, cause I will miss it dearly, but life goes on. I know I said often that Peyton Sawyer from One Tree Hill is right, people always leave....but...sometimes they come back and he is coming back. Normally I wouldn't vent in a blog post, but this I just need to get off my chest and to stop thinking about it. i need to concentrate on other things, but there are ways to get a hold of said thing when needed. One a lighter note, I need to stop buying music off of itunes....or else it will make me go broke. Its just so easy to hit the buy button and have it charged to your debit/credit card. Another thing I decided was to eat healthier and it will help I already feel better because of it. Now I just need to stop drinking soda or limit it to once a week. Or twice, not sure yet. I have been really into 'Believe' by The Bravery. Such a good song! I can't stop listening to it! It gives me something to believe in (the lyrics to the chorus). And this song does give me something to believe in and they are graduating from college, knowing that he is coming back and getting an internship for this summer. Those are the things I need to focus on and hopefully it will be a successful semester/summer.
Thursday, July 5, 2012
My Summer Reading List
I knew sooner or later I needed to create one of these and no better time to do it then now!
So currently the books that I have read this summer are....
1. Along for the Ride by Sarah Dessen
2. Pulling Princes by Tyne O'Connel
3. Dead Until Dark by Charlaine Harris
4. Ruthless by Sara Shepard
5. The Carrie Diaries by Candance Bushnell
6. Summer in the City, A Carrie Diaries book by Candance Bushnell
7. Seventeen's Ultimate Guide to Style
Books Yet to Read:
1. Kiss in the Dark by Lauren Henderson
2. What Happened to Goodbye by Sarah Dessen
3. Living Dead in Dallas by Charlaine Harris
4. Club Dead
5. Dead to the World
6. Dead as a Doornail
7. Definitely Dead
8. All Together Dead
9. From Dead to Worse
10. Dead and Gone
11. Dead in the Family
12. The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants by Ann Brashares
13. The Second Summer of the Sisterhood
14. Girls in Pants: The Third Summer of the Sisterhood
15. Forever Blue: The Fourth Summer of the Sisterhood
16. Sisterhood Everlasting: A Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants Book
17. Stealing Princes by Tyne O'Connel
18. Dueling Princes
19. Stealing Prices
20. Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll
21. The Hunger Games by Suzane Collins
22. Catching Fire
23. Mockingay
24. Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen
25. The Help by Kathryn Stockett
Most of these are a series. The Sookie books are based off oh HBO's hit series True Blood. I have been watching the show and now I am eager to read the books! The Sisterhood series is another series that I have not read yet, but want to. I have read the first one, way back in the 9th grade. The Princes series I started to read a long time ago, but never finished...so now I can! They are an easy read and that is why I am reading them. I started the The Hunger Games while I was in Colorado. I had to put the book on hold so I could read these, so I am once again in the middle of it!
So currently the books that I have read this summer are....
1. Along for the Ride by Sarah Dessen
2. Pulling Princes by Tyne O'Connel
3. Dead Until Dark by Charlaine Harris
4. Ruthless by Sara Shepard
5. The Carrie Diaries by Candance Bushnell
6. Summer in the City, A Carrie Diaries book by Candance Bushnell
7. Seventeen's Ultimate Guide to Style
Books Yet to Read:
1. Kiss in the Dark by Lauren Henderson
2. What Happened to Goodbye by Sarah Dessen
3. Living Dead in Dallas by Charlaine Harris
4. Club Dead
5. Dead to the World
6. Dead as a Doornail
7. Definitely Dead
8. All Together Dead
9. From Dead to Worse
10. Dead and Gone
11. Dead in the Family
12. The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants by Ann Brashares
13. The Second Summer of the Sisterhood
14. Girls in Pants: The Third Summer of the Sisterhood
15. Forever Blue: The Fourth Summer of the Sisterhood
16. Sisterhood Everlasting: A Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants Book
17. Stealing Princes by Tyne O'Connel
18. Dueling Princes
19. Stealing Prices
20. Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll
21. The Hunger Games by Suzane Collins
22. Catching Fire
23. Mockingay
24. Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen
25. The Help by Kathryn Stockett
Most of these are a series. The Sookie books are based off oh HBO's hit series True Blood. I have been watching the show and now I am eager to read the books! The Sisterhood series is another series that I have not read yet, but want to. I have read the first one, way back in the 9th grade. The Princes series I started to read a long time ago, but never finished...so now I can! They are an easy read and that is why I am reading them. I started the The Hunger Games while I was in Colorado. I had to put the book on hold so I could read these, so I am once again in the middle of it!
My Bucket List (Revised)
So I decided to update this list....Here it goes.....
1. Go to London, England
2. Go to Hamburg, Germany and see if there are still family history there
3. Graduate from College
4. Attend a concert
5. Attend a Paul McCartney concert
6. Travel around the US
7. See our nation's capital
8. Fall in love
9. Get an intership for the summer
10. Win over $2.00 on a lottery ticket
11. Buy a lottery ticket
12. Get straight A's in a semester of college
13. Have 3 or 4 kids naming them Norah, Natalie, Nathan, and/or Noah
14. Visit the rock and roll hall of fame
15. Sing karaoke
16. Read over 5,000 books in my lifetime
17. Write a Novel
18. Become the CEO of a company
19. Go see Strawberry Fields in New York
20. Walk across Abbey Road
21. Fly in an airplane
22. Swim with Dolphins
23. Learn how to ride a bike
24. Grow my hair out and donate it
25. Get married
26. Graduate from UW-Platteville
27. Learn how to do the smokey eye thing
28. Kiss in the snow
29. Hold hands with someone in the falling snow
28. Meet someone from England
29. Become friends with people that are from another country
30. Watch a meteor shower
31. Have a real Christmas tree
32. Learn how to make jewelry
33. Host a Lia Sophia party
34. Sell Lia Sophia jewelry
35. See the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans
36. Visit a tropical place
37. Go backpacking through Europe
38. Go to a Brewers game
39. Go to a Wisconsin Men's basketball game
40. Go to a Wisconsin Men's hockey game
41. Learn how to play piano
42. Learn how to play violin
43. Meet someone famous
44. Go on a date
45. Get a smart phone
46. Buy a house
47. Buy a car
48. Give a 20 minute presentation
49. Go to state for Forensics
50. Cut my hair like Alice Cullen's
51. Buy a welsh corgi
52. Learn how to play guitar
53. Ride on a train
54. Watch all of Alfred Hitchcock's films
55. Make a 4 course meal from scratch
56. Take a cooking class
57. Take a cake decorating class
58. Sell my jewelry
59. Attend a ball or gala
60. Win a contest
61. Dance with a guy
62. Sew a quilt
63. Go to a club without getting carded
64. Get my master's degree
65. Volunteer at a library
66. Volunteer at an animal shelter
67. Stay at the Plaza hotel
68. Go to Liverpool, England
69. Go to the San Deigo zoo
70. Cook a homemade meal
71. Have a small wedding with close family and friends
72. Eat at a fancy restaurant
73. Lose weight
74. Learn how to knit/crochet
75. Hold hands with a boyfriend in Central Park
76. Kiss in the moonlight
77. Visit the Eiffel Tower
78. Go Grocery shopping on my own
79. Open my own business
80. Walk the street of New York
81. Make snow angels every time there is a fresh layer of snow
82. Make a snow fort in the snow as an adult
83. Have a One Tree Hill marathon with friends
84. Go on a road trip
85. Landscape a backyard patio
86. Go one week without watching TV
87. Have a coloring party with friends
88. See a musical
89. See a show on Broadway
90. Meet Sophia Bush
Saturday, June 30, 2012
June seemed to drag on forever, for me at least. And as July 2012
comes into the world in about 45 minutes, I can't help but wonder what the rest
of the summer will bring for me. I really hope that I win that Kindle
Fire that my local library is giving away. I have been reading non-stop
which is good because it will help me get through those dry textbooks next year
because I am beginning to read faster. But sometimes it ins't enough.
I need to find something else to do this summer! And yes, I have a job.
I sell Lia Sophia jewelry. I want to get more people to host
parties, but most of them just ignore it or make up some lame excuse. I
guess I will have to try harder. But the thing is, I want summer to end.
I want it to be September, because frankly is so freaking hot out that I
don't even want to go outside half of the time. I just want to be back in
Platteville, doing my thing, being on my own with the exception of my kick-ass
roommate next year, (and yes I am really excited about it). I will be a
senior.....a senior in college! Where the fuck did the time go! That is my
biggest question. I am starting to freak out a bit because of it.
To be honest, I don't want it to end. I love college so much more then
high school....high school was a pain in the ass. In college, I guess I
found myself...I know it sounds supper corny, but its true. I have made
some of my best friends in college so far and I fear the day that I leave
everything, the residence halls, the classrooms, and being able to to just walk
down the hall or up the stairs in order to see my friends. I will not
graduate in May, so it will be easier, I guess. I am just worried about
going into the workforce and not being able to find a job. Plus I haven't
met the "one" yet...or maybe I have and I just haven't realized it
yet...but it always seems to come down to that. As June 2012 comes to a close,
I can't help but wonder what July and August will bring...hopefully rain
because we need it desperately
Monday, March 12, 2012
I am really happy that spring is almost here! Bring it on! I am so excited to be wearing capris, flip-flops and nto having to wear a bulky jacket to class. : ) It is gonna be great! Spring break is next week and I have so much planned! I am getting my hair cut on Monday! So excited...I need a change. AND I am now selling Lia Sophia jewelry!!! I am supper excited about that because it will help during school and stuff. Now I just need to a have a party....anyone want to host one? Please say yes! I am also having lunch with my wonderful cousin Jodi, and going shopping with my mom on Friday the 23rd. And sometime in there I have to do homework.....hopefully. I love Platteville, believe me, I do, but it will be nice to get away for a week and relax with no classes. Oh and I have even better news! I am now the Communications Coordinator Elect of RHA!!!!!!!!! Basically for the rest of the semester, I am job shadowing the current CC and then I will have to position next year!!!! I am really excited to get involved and go to all of the conference I am supposed to. This will be a great networking opportunity and a great thing to use on a resume that will help me get a job in the future. The position is paid, but that doesn't really matter to me because this way I will be more involved on campus! I love being involved. With school full time, selling Lia Sophia and being the CC, I will have a busy schedule, but that's okay, I love being busy. Its what keeps me going. And I won't have time to worry about boys either, and that's okay too because I probably won't have time for them anyway. So that's it folks because I have a meeting I need to go to! ttfn
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