Monday, January 23, 2012

The First Day of Classes!?

So today was my first day of 2nd semester classes! YAY!!! (not). Okay they were not all that bad, I made a friend AND sat next to this really cute guy named Jeremy in my Intro to Marketing class.  So that was a plus and the class sounds really interesting and I like marketing.  If I were not majoring in Human Resources, I would major in Marketing, but there are no jobs in the field of study.  Anyway away from that subject.  My Econ class was full of guys, and a few girls, so that will be interesting.  Oh well I need it for my major.  My professors for today were pretty good though, I think it will be a good semester in those classes.  Tomorrow I have the majority of my classes, so that should be interesting.  I have Human Resource Management, Management Gender and Race and finally Legal Environment of Business. Not in that order.  I will have straight classes tomorrow from 11-3:30, which is a good thing, I am in the same building and I have 12 minutes between each class, so that is not too bad.  I am looking forward to these classes more because there will be more upper-classmen in those classes! I hate having classes with freshman.  I also had this fear that I was going to run into a certain someone I used to be interested in last semester.  I think I am still interested in him....I am not quite sure at the moment. But anyway, I knew I wouldn't because he has a totally different major than I do and our paths are not supposed to cross right? I ended up asking him to have lunch with me last semester and it amounted to nothing........I figured okay no biggie time to move on and I was right because I am not sure why I just am.  I am writing this because (hopefully) he will never read this and if he does, then he should reconsider, right?   Anyway I am being way too hard on myself and kinda hard on him right now.  And this is supposed to be about my first day of classes!  Well I best go read my Economics book or something cool like that and if you end up reading this, then you should talk to me and get to know me better or just be my friend.

The End.

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