Tuesday, January 17, 2012

My Obsession with Eric Northman

Eric Northman is a fictional character.  He is a vampire on HBO's True Blood and he is also in the book series that the TV show is based off of by Charlaine Harris.  I really want to read the books and will hopefully soon! But Eric Northman is no Edward Cullen.  I have formed this opinion of Edward Cullen, he is a creepy stalker and a whip, and way to over protective.  It's creepy and this is supposed to be attractive to younger girls? I don't think so! Eric Northman from the TV series is not only hot, but the actor is a towering 6'4! That is insanely tall, haha.  He is also does what he wants, something that is a good quality in him.  He isn't over protective and mostly only cares about himself, but I can't stop watching the show, because he is just so damn sexy! The character is played by Alexander Skarsgård, who was born in Stockholm, Sweden.  Yes he is like 36, but who cares.  If you don't believe me, then see the picture of him....

                                               This is a normal picture of Alexander

                                               And this is him as Eric Northman

Need to know more? Look him up on IMDB
There they state his  Trade Marks

Cleft chin
"Skarsbrow", ie he habitually lifts his left eyebrow quizzically
Magnetic blue green eyes
Frequently plays very calm restrained individuals, often with positions of authority(Ex. Meekus from Zoolander)
Distinctive mellow voice
Towering height
Lean yet impressively athletic physique
Blonde hair

But these are the reasons I fine him irresistible!

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